Transformative RSHE workshops

Whether you’re after a workshop to be delivered in your school or keen to bring education on healthy relationships, sex and identity to your youth centre programming - we’ve got you covered.

Workshops for students and young people

We can deliver workshops to your group of young people in schools, youth clubs, community settings and more. These can be in-person or online.

During the workshop, we highlight the three most important takeaways in each topic, give the young people space for creative exploration and discussion, and signpost to further resources and services. The workshops are stand-alone, but we can also create a multi-workshop programme that fits into your school timetable.

Our workshops are age-appropriate and differentiated for all secondary school year groups 7-13. We have also delivered workshops to children as young as 9 and as old as 21 (topic-dependent).

Illustrations of body parts

Sex + Intimacy

Students will learn about consent, pleasure and where we receive our ideas about sex from. We'll discuss different types of sex, intimacy and relationships. We also advocate for respecting others' choices.

Price: starts at £75 per workshop. Y12+

Illustration  of person with long hair tied up in a pony tail and facial hair. Text reads: Gender isn’t binary


Students will learn about the differences between gender identity, gender expression, sexual and romantic orientation and biological sex. We'll look at how ideas of gender are socially constructed, gender identities in different cultures, and explore links between the gender binary and colonialism.

Price: starts at £75 per workshop. Y9+

Intimate Relationships

This session covers a wide range of topics. Students will learn about different types of relationships and how they affect our lives. We also cover different ways of building physical intimacy, give a definition as to what sex is and give the foundation of consent.

Price: starts at £75 per workshop. Y10+

Illustration of person reading a book, with speech bubble that reads: Hmm, well it says here that a lot of people lie about being assaulted


Students will understand what consent looks and feels like in practice, how to get it and how to give it. We'll discuss how both individual attitude and narratives within wider society can contribute to sexual violence.

Price: starts at £75 per workshop. Y7+

Illustration of people in colourful clothes

Body Image

Students will have time to reflect on the external pressures that affect the way they feel about their bodies.
We’ll look at how beauty ideals are highly political and how we can challenge them. We'll discuss how to build gratitude for our bodies and share some practical steps.

Price: starts at £75 per workshop. Y7+

Pleasure and Masturbation

This workshop aims to break down stigma surrounding pleasure and masturbation, so that young people can feel equipped and empowered. We explore the history surrounding pleasure, learn about anatomy and share why masturbation is a good way to explore your own body first.

Price: starts at £75 per workshop. Y12+

Illustration of contraceptive pill, injection and implant in arm

Sexual Health

Students will learn about STIs, contraception and how to keep themselves and others safe and healthy during sex. We'll talk about responsibility and where young people can access further information and services.

Price: starts at £75 per workshop. Y9+

Illustration of person in black and white filming another person in colour in a robe and head towel


Students will learn about how pornography can be damaging when ingested with an uncritical eye. We take a shame-free approach when discussing it, and highlight how it can affect relationships, expectations and intimacy. We signpost to further advice and resources that students may need.

Price: starts at £75 per workshop. Y9+

Living Independently

This workshop is designed for Y13 Leavers and explores how to stay safe whilst living more independently. We cover key learnings on how to prioritise consent and where to go for support with sexual assault, as well as awareness-raising around spiking and hook-up culture.

Price: starts at £75 per workshop. Y13+


Projects for youth clubs and community spaces

RSHE doesn’t begin and end in schools! We’ve been invited into youth spaces for a number of reasons.

Maybe you’re worried that students aren’t receiving the information they need from school? Perhaps you’ve been witnessing some troubling behaviour? Or maybe you want to book a creative, meaningful workshop to fill out your school holiday programme.

We can deliver any of our RSHE workshops in your community space. Additionally, we're open to collaborating on wider projects and funding bids that might result in a creative programme of exhibitions or events.

Below are some examples of work we've done with community spaces.

Images of handmade models of creatures

Spotlight Youth Centre

Foundation for Future London's (FFL) Connecting People and Places fund enabled us to work with Spotlight Youth Centre, delivering a series of creative workshops for their young people on gender, self-worth and relationships.

We collaborated with artists Lily Ash Sakula, a non-binary animator and Saba Shiraz, a singer and poet. If you have an idea you want to put into action or want to collaborate with us, get in touch.

Image of person pointing at other people stood in a garden space

Laburnum Boat Club

We’ve also worked with Laburnum Boat Club. The Boat Club is is a community-based boating project in Hackney that supports young people and their families with participation in water-based activities.

We delivered a series of workshops about relationships to their young people with additional support needs. We collaborated with artist Sarah Lamb on a movement workshop that promoted better relationships with our bodies.

Image of 2 people working at a table, writing on post-it notes and sticking them to a larger sheet of paper

Co-creation workshops

We run ‘What I Wish I'd Known’ co-creation workshops to understand where sex-ed has failed in the past and understand more about how to make it better.

We invite groups of young adults whose voices have traditionally been erased from sex-ed (the queer community, women and non-binary people of colour and the disabled community, to name a few) to share their thoughts in a respectful space.

Our workshops are discursive, interactive and use creative techniques to encourage reflection on experiences of sex-ed in a non-exposing way. Each workshop contributes to the content, narratives and approaches within our curriculum.

Sign up to our newsletter to find out when the next workshop is and receive insights!


Nice things people have said about our workshops…

We found Split Banana to be engaging, interactive and meet our Academy objectives by providing a bespoke delivery package that met our individual Academy needs. Matilda was extremely professional and a true expert in her field. Staff and students were complimentary about the way the content was delivered, making reference to the way the LGBTQIA+ inclusivity and non-gendered language was used when describing bodies and contraception. We would highly recommend and look forward to working with Split Banana again in the near future.
— Deputy Headteacher, Rodillian Academy
The sessions that Split Banana ran were excellent, and the pupils responded really well. They address the issues that are most important, in a way that the students could engage with. They covered everything that I wanted for the year group. A fantastic part of our wellbeing day.
— Director of Learning, Totteridge Academy
Anna and Matilda are extremely professional, well organised and enthusiastic. The students responded well to them and felt comfortable to ask questions and get involved with class discussions about sensitive topics. The work that Split Banana do is so important for young people and I would highly recommend the programme to any school.”
— Citizenship Lead at Langdon Park School
Split Banana delivered an engaging introductory video which clearly laid out the rules of respect and tolerance for the workshop. The resources provided were varied and thought-provoking. Unlike other companies, their resources showed a range of inclusive body types which really helped some of our students engage with conversation about why we don’t always see these people represented in the media.
— Head of Y10, Wapping High School
We’re always impressed by the care and attention to detail SB put into their resources and prep for sessions, always centering content around the needs and context of their audience. And their sessions are so much fun! The team channel an ever-evolving stream of creative activities which act to help break down barriers to talking about sensitive topics.”
— Edith, Director at Be Her Lead

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